Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hearty Creamy Pasta Recipe!

This pasta recipe is my favorite!! =) I bring it to potlucks and it always wins everyone over, vegans and omnivores alike. It is a modified recipe based off of Lindy Loo's "Creamiest Vegan Mac'n'Cheez EVER". It was originally Anna's idea to add pasta sauce to the recipe to make it a creamy pasta. This dish is pretty decadent, so I wouldn't suggest making it alll the time. But it is a wonderful treat to have once in a while. For a healthier version, I substitute the pasta with whole wheat pasta.

The recipe is very simple.

First, we make Lindy Loo's recipe:

We follow her instructions exactly, but we don't bake the pasta like she says to, not until after we add our pasta sauce. Anna and I also like to use more nutritional yeast, like 1/8 to 1/4 a cup more. ^__^ The Red Star brand is the kind we use.

Once we are done with making Lindy Loo's recipe, we make a pasta sauce.

Here is what Anna and I usually put in our pasta sauce (the measurements for the vegetables are not exact; we usually just use whatever we have on hand):

The Mai Sisters' Standard Pasta Sauce

1 medium to fairly large onion, diced
Mushrooms (about 1 1/2 cups, chopped)
1 large green bell pepper, diced
Zucchini, diced (one or two medium zucchinis, depending on how much you like them)
Black olives (as many as you like, you know)
3 Tofurkey sausages, Italian flavor, chopped into 1/4" slices
1 standard jar of tomato sauce (about 3 cups, or 25 ounces)

1. Saute the onions with some oil until they are nice and brown and smell nice.
2. Add the rest of the vegetables and tofurkey sausages.
3. When the vegetables are cooked, add the spaghetti sauce; let it simmer for about 5 minutes.
4. Season it according to your tastes; we use onion and garlic powder, oregano, and some salt.
5. Add the pasta sauce to the mac'n'cheez and mix it thoroughly.

This recipe usually fills up two large plates. ;)